Good practice inspired by the “lean start-up” process, the Monday morning team meetings are a must for Team Potential.
The focus is clear: Customer first! Being a consultant requires strong interaction with the client, which leads us to spend a large part of our time with the latter. Yet it is essential for a service company to maintain our core and common culture as a team.
Monday’s team meetings are therefore the right opportunity to maintain our core culture and to guarantee a weekly sharing session between Team Potential’s consultants.
In summary:
- Conviviality
- Exchange of information and good practices on current client projects
- Anticipation and planning for any additional assistance required during the coming week by a consultant
On this last point: 3 questions to be absolutely asked before starting his team meeting:
- Do I need assistance to carry out one of my activities this week?
- Am I confronted with any blocking points on my current activities?
- What have I accomplished recently that could be shared with others?
And you, how do you start your week?